Ferdinand Magellan
Do you know who Magellan is? Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese sailor. He wanted to reach southeast Asia where many spices grew. He hoped to find a passage through South America so that he could sail all the way from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Magellan left Spain in 1519 with 5 ships and 260 men. At first, he did not tell them where they were going because he thought they would be too frightened to obey him. Magellan found the strait that is now named after him by chance. Magellan named our ocean “Pacific” because the ocean was calm and peaceful when he entered it. The crossing took 3 months and 20 days. Magellan and his men suffered a terrible hunger. They ran out of fresh food and many died of scurvy, an illness caused by a lack of vitamin C found in fresh fruit and veggies. He died on the 27th of April in 1521 on an island in Malaysia.
Do you know who Magellan is? Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese sailor. He wanted to reach southeast Asia where many spices grew. He hoped to find a passage through South America so that he could sail all the way from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Magellan left Spain in 1519 with 5 ships and 260 men. At first, he did not tell them where they were going because he thought they would be too frightened to obey him. Magellan found the strait that is now named after him by chance. Magellan named our ocean “Pacific” because the ocean was calm and peaceful when he entered it. The crossing took 3 months and 20 days. Magellan and his men suffered a terrible hunger. They ran out of fresh food and many died of scurvy, an illness caused by a lack of vitamin C found in fresh fruit and veggies. He died on the 27th of April in 1521 on an island in Malaysia.
By Claire P.
1 comment:
Claire - Great job reading this week! Can you imagine sailing on a ship that long?
Mrs. Miller
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