From One Less Car...
This week, all Stoneleigh students received a brochure to participate in the The Community Pace Car Program. This program gives Maryland residents a chance to impact traffic safety by taking charge of their neighborhood streets. People who sign the Community Pace Car pledge (see below) agree to put the Maryland Community Pace Car sticker on the back of their car and to actually obey the posted speed limit in their neighborhoods, thereby acting as a “pace car” for other motorists. Only a small percentage of vehicles acting as pace cars can effectively slow motor vehicle traffic in a neighborhood. When enough people join, traffic can be calmed city or county-wide. This makes conditions safer for bicyclists, pedestrians and transit users. As safety conditions improve, people feel more comfortable walking, cycling or just waiting for the bus. This, in turn, makes conditions better for motorists by taking cars off the streets. A successful Pace Car program leads to tangible benefits for all road users.
1. I will drive within the speed limit on all community streets in Maryland.
2. I’ll treat all pedestrians with respect and will share the road safely with them.
3. I’ll treat all bicyclists with respect and only pass them when I can give them at least 3 feet of safe clearance.
4. I’ll give myself enough travel time so that I’m not sacrificing courtesy or safety.
5. I will not be pressured by other driver’s impatience to drive above the posted speed limit.
6. I will devote my full attention to driving and avoid distractions such as cell phones.
7. I will choose to DRIVE LESS by walking, bicycling and taking mass transit when I can in order to reduce traffic, save money and improve the environment in my community.
If you didn't receive your pledge email sesjungleclub@gmail.com or email One Less Car directly- rchambers@onelesscar.org
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